Welcome To Lodge Corinth No.1122 E.C Nagpur

Welcome To LODGE CORINTH 1122 E. C.







There is no record to indicate the circumstances which led to the formation of Lodge Corinth. In the year 1833, a Lodge St. Andrew’s No 500 EC. , was established in Kamptee, about 11 miles from Nagpur. Some member Masons of the said Lodge stationed at Nagpur were frequently required to attend Lodge St. Andrew’s at Kamptee to form a quorum. In those days of improper and unreliable conveyance, meant considerable hardship, so they requested for the establishment of a Lodge in Nagpur. A Warrant of Constitution dated 27th July 1866 was issued to them, under the Title and Denomination of ‘Corinth’ Lodge. No regular Consecration Ceremony was held, records, however, show that the first meeting of the ‘Corinth’ Lodge was held on 4th October 1866 in the Lodge Temple at Sitabuldi, Nagpur.

A Civil Contractor, Rao Bahadur Rajaram Sitaram Dixit (a non-Mason) was entrusted to construct the (present) building who agreed to do it on a no-profit basis. On 9th January 1904, the foundation stone was laid and the building was completed and consecrated on 19th November 1904. The masonic furniture and many other objects were received as donations from the brethren, which are still in use.

On account of the prolific growth of Freemasonry, other sister Lodges of the Indian Constitution and Scottish Constitution also hold their meetings in the same premises. A humble effort has been made to enable to connect effortlessly for enhancing the Masonic activities through Lodge Corinth to reach out to the society. As you scroll through the pages, we hope that Lodge Corinth No. 1122 E.C. helps you in expanding your networks and forging new friendships & associations in masonry.

Lodge Corinth Meetings

The Lodge Corinth meetings are typically held in two parts.

A.The Regular Meeting involves ceremonies (addressed as Rituals), which might relate to areas such as the admittance of new members or the installation of the Master of the Lodge and his officers – a process made up of three degrees, or stages, each one marked by a special ceremony.

B.The Permanent Committee (PC) Meeting focuses upon more administrative procedures, such as scheduling of the next Regular meeting and its associated Agenda, proposing & balloting for new members, any inputs received from the District Grand Lodge, Bombay, fundraising activities for Charity, social events, etc.

The Regular Meetings of Corinth Lodge (No. 1122EC) are held on the 1st Saturday of every calendar month at 6:30 pm at Freemasons’ Hall, Near Freemasons’ T Point, Civil Lines, Nagpur-440001. The Regular Meeting is indeed a special privilege for a member to attend. It provides an opportunity to meet other fellow members and other visiting masons you may not have known before, and to share personal friendship & brotherhood with other members. A Dress code is strictly followed, which is to reinforce a masonic image, especially during all the meetings and banquets of the Lodge, when freemasons {addressed as Brethren in Freemasonry) interact with other members.

The Permanent Committee (PC) Meetings are generally held on the subsequent Tuesday immediately following the Regular Meeting. Chaired by the Lodge Head (addressed as Worshipful Master}, Lodge PC meetings are attended by the Officers and all the Past Masters, to decide & share Lodge charity projects, masonic activities or other initiatives as mentioned above.

Ritual Practice meetings are held every Monday at 7 PM at Freemasons’ Hall, Civil Lines, Near Freemasons’ T Point, Nagpur-440001 to ensure that the officers are well versed with the rituals & the ceremonies that are likely to be conducted during the next regular meeting.

A few Lodge members have been conferred with ‘Long Membership Awards’ for completing 60* years, 40 years and 25 years into Masonry. The Lodge has such incredible diversity through its talented members of different age groups. The average age of a member in the Lodge is about 40 years.

Lodge Corinth No. 1122E.C. has a reputation of being “a Friendly Lodge”, where you meet Masons from different walks of life. Each member represents a distinct and recognised cross-section of the business or professional service. The multiplicity of cultures, professions, religions, education that the members provide, makes Lodge Corinth a unique treasure trove of wisdom, experiences and ideas.

True to the sense of friendship and togetherness among Freemasons, meetings are also held on social events, providing an occasion for members to dine together. Outside of the Lodge, activities include community fundraising and volunteering activities, as well as a varied programme of events where spouses, partners and families are welcome. The members of The Lodge Corinth are businessmen & professionals with high moral and ethical standards in their vocations who are ever ready to participate in a charity project and varied activities of the Lodge. The members help build goodwill amongst brethren and other members of society. A Look at the Roll of Members belonging to varied vocations and professions makes a member feel proud of being a part of this premier Lodge of the District. Lodge Corinth No.1122E.C. has produced some ‘Grand Lodge Officers’. Late Wor. Bro. Kumar Sathaye, Late Wor.Bro. Salim Chimthanawala, Wor. Bro Suresh Dixit, and Wor. Bro. Ramesh Bhambhani is considered to be ornaments of the Lodge.

The History of Masonic philosophy, organisation, and service to the society and charity projects is provided herein.


At a Regular meeting of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C., the Worshipful Master Wor. Bro T Wood put a proposition to have a Royal Arch Chapter attached to the Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C.

The name proposed to be given to the Chapter was “Corinthian”. However, it was only on 25th July 1874 that nine Royal Arch Masons signed an application which was submitted to the Grand Chapter for the opening of Chapter Mayo. Chapter Mayowas eventually consecrated on 7th October 1874.

Quarterly convocations of Chapter Mayo are held on the 3rd Sat of January, April, July and October. The present strength of Chapter Mayo* is 36. The ruling First Principal (Z) of Chapter Mayo is most E.Comp. W.Bro Praveen Sahni.


Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. has two Sister Lodges viz. Lodge Penchvale No. 7643 E.C. and Lodge Bromham No. 6175 E.C., both under the jurisdiction of the District Grand Master, District Grand Lodge of Bombay.

The Origin of Freemasonry in India’s Western regions

The origin of Freemasonry in India’s Western region can be traced back to the 18th Century with the establishment of Lodge No. 234 in Bombay (Mumbai) in 1758 and Lodge Philanthropist No. 569 in Surat in 1798. Freemasonry has stood the test of time with the shining lights of our fraternity showing the path to the world with its simple philosophies which provide pragmatic solutions to the issues related to human relationships.


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Patron of bombay Mansonic Association

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Hall Stone Lodge
Since 1932

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27th July 1866

Warrant of Constitution issued under the title of Denomination of the Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. at Nagpur. Corinth Lodge was placed under the jurisdiction of District Grand Lodge of Bombay.

04th October 1866

The First Regular Meeting of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. was held in the Temple of St Andrews Lodge No. 500 E.C at Kamptee.

23rd March 1867

The very First Proposals for the Initiations of Mr Cawasji Framji & Mr William August were made in the Lodge room at Takli, Nagpur.

27th April 1867

Mr Cawasji Framji & Mr William August were the First to be Initiated into Freemasonry in the Lodge Temple at Sitabuldi, Nagpur.

11th May 1867

T Bro John Cockburn was the First Mason to be a Joining Member of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C.

28th December 1868

The Worshipful Master's Chair in the Temple was presented by Bro Cawasji Framji.

25th July 1874

Nine Royal Arch masons submitted an application to the Grand Chapter for Opening the Mayo Chapter.

15th October 1887

Bro Dhunjibhoy Nusserwanji, photographer by profession became the 100th initiate of Lodge Corinth.

11th January 1890

Bro. S.N. Tiwari becomes the first Indian National to become the W. Master of Lodge Corinth.


For the First time, the procedure of presenting the ' Past Master’ Jewel to the Immediate Past Master was established.

9th January 1904

The Foundation Stone of the Building was laid at the hands of Wor. Bro W.G Dunn, D.D.G.M.

19th November 1904

The Lodge Building (Freemason’ Hall) was completed and consecrated on at the hands of Rt. Wor. Bro. Sir Lawrence Jenkins, the District Grand Master.


W. Bro Sir M. B. Dadabhoy & Bro Harisingh Gour have conferred the honour of Knighthood.


The Lodge became a ‘Hall Stone Lodge’ and the Jewel was received by WM CB Parekh.


W. Bro. H. C. Gowan was appointed the Governor of the Central Provinces and Berar.

6th Aug 1938

It was for the first time that the Explanation of the Tracing Board was given by Bro Jamajiduring the stewardship of WM Rustomji Faramji Contractor.

1st July 1961

Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. opts to remain part of the “United Grand Lodge of England” on the formation of the Grand Lodge of India (GLI).

4th October 1966

The Lodge celebrated its Centenary Year in 1966. A Centenary Warrant was received and was presented to the Wor. Master N V Sarman by the District Grand Master, Bombay.


For the first time, a meeting was held in which only the Past Masters did the Working.


This year it was indeed a great honour for the Lodge, when on 16-2--85, Rt. W. Bro Hon. Baillieu, the Dy. Grand Master along with our D.G.M. visited the lodge.


For the First Time a new item was included in the Regular Meetings Agenda ‘Masonic Workshop‘, as also, 3 awards were instituted for the Past Master, Best Officer and the Best Mason.

04th Oct 1991

The Lodge celebrated its 125th Year Celebrations under the Stewardship of the W.M. W. Bro Suresh Dixit.


W Bro. Ramesh Bhambhani became the first WM to be installed in the New Millennium.

24th April 2004

The Centenary Year of the Freemason’s Hall, the Lodge Building, was celebrated during the Stewardship of WM WBro AKB Rao Mudaliar. It was for the first time in the history of Freemasonry in Nagpur that the Temple was made open for the visit of Ladies and non-Masons.

01 January 2013

Lodge Bromham6175 E.C.a sister lodge, was shifted from Mumbai to Nagpur.

15 Oct 2016

The Lodge celebrated its 150th Year Celebrations under the Stewardship of the W.M. W.Bro Praveen Sahni. For the first time in the history of Nagpur, the NMC allotted a small Triangular piece of land on Futala Road near the Freemason’s Hall which was named as “Freemason’s T-Point” in acknowledgement of the contributions made towards the betterment of society by Freemasonry. A 150 Years Commemorative Jewel was presented to all members.

1st Sept 2018

W.Bro. Dr KY Mangrulkar, PDSGW, our member and a Past Master of Lodge Corinth, was elected to be the Honorary Member of the Lodge.

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