It goes without saying that writing the history of a Masonic lodge, as renowned and eminent as our Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. celebrated more them 150th year, is in itself a daunting task. However, it has been a very educative and enriching experience and we indeed feel privileged and honoured to have been chosen for this project.
The task of writing the history became that much simpler when it was discovered that the proceedings were very well recorded and documented in the Minutes book and the PC Meetings Register, it became that much simpler and for that, all the past and the present Secretaries need to be complimented for that.
One very interesting fact which needs to be mentioned here is that our esteemed Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. has the distinction of never having been in Abeyance during its entire glorious existence spanning 150 years.
There is no record to indicate the circumstances which led to the formation of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. Though as early as 1833, Lodge St Andrew’s No. 500 E.C. was established at Kamptee, the Principal Military Cantonment, only eleven miles away from Nagpur. Yet it took about 33 years more to establish a Lodge here in Nagpur.
A brief glimpse into the local political history may give us some idea of the matter. In 1853, after the death of Bhonsla Rajah, Raghoji III, his territory became a British Province and the civil administration of this province was carried out under a Commissioner with its Headquarters at Nagpur. In 1861, this province was amalgamated with the Saugor-Nerbadda territories to form the Central Provinces. This change brought about a considerable addition to the European population at the Headquarters at Nagpur. During this period, some member Masons of the said Lodge stationed in Nagpur, were frequently required to attend Lodge St Andrew’s at Kamptee to form quorum. This naturally, in those days of improper and unreliable conveyance, meant considerable hardship to the brethren of Nagpur. Hence, when Bro George Carpenter P.W. of Lodge Bangalore No.1043 E.C., an accountant by profession, came to Nagpur, he received whole hearted support of these brethren and a few others towards the establishment of a Lodge at Nagpur.
Thus, we find that ten masons, seven of whom were members of St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 500 E.C. of Kamptee, submitted a petition to the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Ancient and Hon’ble Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of England, conveying their desire to constitute themselves into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, under the Title and Denomination of ‘Corinth’ Lodge. The exact date of their petition, we are unable to ascertain. However, a Warrant of Constitution dated the 27th July 1866 was issued to them. A copy of it is given below .
The Master-Designate, Bro. George Carpenter was a P.W. of ‘Bangalore’ Lodge No. 1043 E.C. and an initiate of ‘True Friendship’ Lodge No. 218 E.C. of Calcutta.
Evidently, no regular Consecration Ceremony was conducted in this case and the first meeting of the ‘Corinth’ Lodge was held on 4th October 1866, in the Temple of St Andrew’s Lodge No 500 E.C. at Kamptee. A special invitation was accorded to Wor. Bro. F.J. Jordan, Superintendent of Mail Carts, Jabalpur, to preside at this meeting. He was a Wor. Master of the Harmony Lodge No. 458 E.C. Cawnpore in 1863.He was then a member of Alexandra Lodge No. 1065 E.C. Jabalpur.
It is recorded that the Master-Elect, Bro. Carpenter, was asked to give his assent to the Ancient Charges read out by the Secretary and then obligated. He was made to sit beside the Pedestal and not in the Eastern Chair and rule the Lodge, until he was duly installed. For the help he rendered, Wor. Bro. Jordan was elected as the First Honorary Member of the ‘Corinth’ Lodge. The names of the Officers were:
Wor: Bro: G. Carpenter W.M.
Bro: Gilbert G. Barclay S.W.
Bro: Harry Wilson J.W.
Bro: Frank Laville Secretary
Bro: L. Whiting Treasurer
Bro. G. Turner S.D.
Bro: Butterfield J.D.
Surprisingly the ‘Corinth’ Lodge was placed under the jurisdiction of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay, though the St. Andrew’s Lodge situated only 11 miles away was then working under the District Grand Lodge of Madras. Regarding the situation of Nagpur and the cause of the attachment of ‘Corinth’ Lodge to D.G.L. of Bombay, the Worshipful Master of the St Andrew’s Lodge sent a reply explaining the peculiar position of Nagpur at that time. As this will be of interest to the present generation, the reply is given below:-
“I may reply to your questions as to my opinion, relative to the situation of Nagpur, that it is within the territories of Madras Presidency, but since it became the capital of the Central Provinces, it has been administered from Calcuttta. It is garrisoned by Madras, its Chaplain comes from Madras, but reports to Calcutta; all its military appointments are from Madras, all its civil appointments are from Bengal and all its postal appointments are from Bombay. Under these conflicting circumstances, it is hard to determine to which of these it owes allegiance, but as I presume the Deputy Grand Master questions the right of the ‘Corinth’ Lodge to work under Bombay, I unhesitatingly give my opinion that their allegiance is most properly due to our District Grand Lodge of Madras, an opinion I am prepared to support, should the Deputy Grand Master (Madras) take any action in the matter.”
No action however appears to have been taken as the ‘Corinth’ Lodge has all along worked under the District Grand Lodge of Bombay.
The next two meetings were held on 3rd November and 26th November 1966. Apparently the formality of obtaining a dispensation for changing a date of meeting was not thought necessary.
At the meeting held on Saturday, the 23rd March 1867, Bro. George G. Carpenter was regularly installed as W.M. by a Board of Installed Masters consisting of Past Masters of the St Andrew’s Lodge No. 500 E.C. The Installing Master was Wor. Bro. Major M.A. Saunders, District G.S.W. of the District Grand Lodge of Madras (then known as the District Grand Lodge of Southern India).
At the meeting held on 13-4-1867 in the Lodge Rooms at Takli, the first proposals for initiations of Mr. CawasjiFramji, Clerk and Mr. William August, Clerkwere made. They were initiated into Freemasonry at the next meeting held on 27-4-67 in the Lodge Temple at Sitabuldi.
No Racial Prejudice !!
It may be mentioned in passing , that while the records of several contemporary or even younger lodges, show that Indians were initially debarred from becoming members, in the Lodge Corinthone of the very first two initiates of the same evening, was an Indian ,
Bro. CowasjiFramji .This obviously indicates how completely free were the minds of those worthy founder members, from petty prejudices which were so widely prevalent in those days.
In May 1867, the Grand Lodge of England empowered the District Grand Lodge of Bombay to issue the Grand Lodge Certificate to Masons initiated by Lodge Corinth. Bro. W. August, under dispensation from the D.G.L. Bombay, was permitted to act as a serving brother from 11-5-67. Bro. John Cockburn was the first Mason to be a joining member of the Lodge on 24-11-67. During the first year viz. 1867, there were 11 initiations, 5 Joinings, and 4 resignations, of which 3 were from the Founder Masons. By the end of the year, the membership of the Lodge rose to 23. Accounts of the Lodge were read every quarter.
It is recorded that the first W.M., Wor. Bro. Carpenter, had ably ruled the Lodge. He called upon the Secretary to ask for an explanation from Brethren who remained absent without assigning any reason. He tactfully settled any differences arising between the brethren.
He delivered lectures for the instruction of the brethren. During his Mastership of two years, there were 11 Initiations, 8 Passings and 9 Raisings- a very good record for those times.
Wor. Bro. T. Wood was installed as the W. Master. At the regular meeting held on
25 Jan 1868, the W Master put a proposition to the Brethren to have a Royal Arch Chapter attached to the Lodge and remarked that before applying for the warrant, it was necessary to find out how many of the Brethren were desirous of undergoing the ceremony of Exaltation. 9 Brethren signified their wish to be Exalted. The name proposed to be given to the
Chapter was ‘Corinthian’. At the regular meeting held on 14 March 1868, it was decided to send an advance amount of Rs. 55 towards the payment of the Warrant necessary for the consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter, to be attached to the Corinth Lodge and to fill the Application Form received from the Principal “Z” of Chapter Keystone of Bombay.
At the regular meeting held on 10 October 1868, the financial statement of the Lodge showed a balance of Rs. 545. It was proposed, by means of a subscription, to present the Treasurer, Bro Whiting, a suitable token of their esteem for the services rendered as Treasurer for 2 years. It was also decided to help Lodge St. Andrew’s with a loan of Rs. 300 to be payable without interest by 31st March 1869, in answer to their appeal for help in purchasing a building for their Lodge. It was also agreed to pay Rs. 50 from the Lodge funds, to enable the W. Master to attend the District Grand Lodge meeting at Bombay.
At the Installation meeting held on 28-12-1868, when Bro. J.H. Bedford was installed, Bro. CawasjiFramji was thanked for presenting one elegant chair for the use of the Master.
In 1869, the Lodge took on rent a bunglow for its meetings at a rent of Rs.100/- per month. In those days the Lodge there used have two meetings per month. But from 25th June 1870, the Lodge started having only one meeting per month.
25th June 1870, the Lodge started having only one meeting per month.
ln June 1871, one Bro. Brady was called upon to show cause why steps should not be taken to remove his name from the register of the Lodge for unworthy conduct in the Lodge premises.
The Lodge went into mourning for a period of one month due to the assassination of the Late Viceroy, the Right H’ble the Earl of Mayo.
On 25-7-1874 , nine Royal Arch masons signed the application to be submitted to the Grand Chapter for opening “Mayo” Chapter. A loan of £5-5-0 was sanctioned to be given for paying the usual fee for R A. Chapter. It was also decided to have Lodge meetings on the last Friday of every month, instead of on every 4th Saturday of the month, as was the practice then. On 26-10-1874, the members decided that the Lodge premises should no longer be used for private residence, and that it would thence forward be maintained as a strictly Masonic building.
There were 6 persons initiated during the year.
Unfortunately, the Minute books from lst November 1874 to 15th January 1892 have been misplaced; but from the Members Register we find that the Lodge was active as the following figures gleaned from membership Register show:
1875 – 3 Initiations 1881- 43 Initiations. 1887- 8 Initiations.
1876 – 3 Initiations 1882- 1 Initiation. 1888 -7 Initiations.
1877 – 1 Initiation. 1883- 3 Initiations. 1889 – 9 Initiations.
1878 – 3 Initiations. 1884- 1 Initiation 1890 – 3 Initiations
1879 – 1 Initiation. 1885 – 3 Initiations. 1891- 8 Initiations.
1880 – No Initiation. 1886–3 Initiations.
ln 1874 the Lodge once again went into mourning for two months due the sudden death of the Bro. RustomjiSorabji, Sr. Warden.
The Consolidation &The March Ahead
In 1878, the Master was summoned to attend the District Grand Lodge and to produce his books of accounts. In 1886, the Lodge was threatened with the withdrawal of the warrant owing to non payment of the Grand Lodge dues, but this disaster was also averted. The 100th initiate of the Lodge was Bro. DhunjibhoyNusserwanji, aged 36 years, a photographer by profession on 15-10-1887. Thus within 21 years of its existence the Lodge had initiated 100 deserving people into freemasonary.
Bro. S.N. Tiwari, who was initiated on 28-5-1887, become the first Indian to become the W. Master of the Lodge, and was installed on 11th Jan 1890. In the year 1892, for the first time the procedure of presenting the ‘ Past Master Jewel to the IPM was established. In June 1895, for the first time W. Bro. August was excluded from the Lodge for embezzelment of Rs. 370 of the Lodge funds. However no suit was filed. In Nov. 1898 the Lodge went into mourning for 6 months due to the death of the Pro. Grand Master, Most. Wor.Bro.The Earl of Lathom.ln Feb 1899, due to several reasons and charges as recorded in the minutes books, the then Secretary of the Lodge was removed from office.
Lodge Building. From 1903 onwards the idea to construct a new Lodge building of our own started taking shape. Contractor RaoBahadur Raja Ram Dixit was entrusted with the work, who agreed to do it on no profit basis even though he was not a Mason.On 9th January 1904 at a glittering function, the Foundation Stone of the Building was laid at the hands of Wor.Bro W.G Dunn, D.D.G.M.
The Building was completed and consecrated on 19th November 1904 at the hands of RtWor. Bro. Sir Lawrence Jenkins, the District Grand Master. With the completion of the building, the enthusiasm of the members turned to the interior decorations. Many an object of furniture were received as donations from brethren, which are still in use today.
In 1925, WBro Sir M. B. Dadabhoy& Bro HarisinghGour were conferred the honour of Knighhood.
In 1926, the Lodge Chuprasee (Watchman/ Peon) embezzled a sum of Rs. 106/-, was arrested and convicted to 6 months imprisonment,
In 1932, the Lodge became a ‘Hall Stone Lodge’ by contributing a sum of Rs.1200/- towards the Million Memorial fund. The Hall Stone Jewel was presented to the W. Master WBro C. B. Parekh by WBro. G. A. R. Hill who had received it from the Grand Master on behalf of the Lodge.
In 1933, W. Bro. H. C. Gowan was appointed the Governor of the Central Provinces and Berar. This was the second time that a past Master of the Lodge was made Governor of a Province, the first being W. Bro. Sir Frank’ Sly.
In 1934, the Lodge donated Rs. 200/- to the Viceroy’s earthquake fund. W. Bro. H. E. Sir Hyde Gowan was promoted to the rank of Past Senior Grand Deacon by the Grand Lodge of England.
In 1935, the Lodge went into mourning for 6 months due to the death of the Grand Master Lord Ampthill. Within 3 months, the Lodge went into mourning for another 6 months due the death of the D. G. Master W. Bro. Lord Cornwallis.
In Jan 1938 ,WBroRustomjiFaramji Contractor was installed as the Worshipful Master. It was during his tenure ,that for the first time in the history of the Lodge Corinth on 6th Aug 1938, the Explanation of the Tracing Board was given by Bro Jamaji in a most interesting and impressive manner .
In 1942, the Lodge went into mourning for 6 months due to the very lamentable death of the Grand Master, His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent in an air crash while on war duty.
On 13-2-1943, death of Bro. RaoSaheb R. Rajanna, who had served the Lodge as its tyler for 39 years, was announced.
From 1945, all bank accounts with the Imperial Bank of India, and the Allahabad Bank were closed and new accounts were Opened in the Bank of India, which is still continuing. It was also in the same year that 19 persons were initiated, which is a record even today. Lodge St. Andrew’s who assisted in formation of Lodge Corinth, shifted its meetings to Nagpur, in the buildings of Corith Lodge from 1948.
On 7-2-1948 the Lodge met and passed the following resolution before commencing the agenda of the meeting :
“The Masons of Lodge Corinth have received with profound sorrow and pain the news of the tragic death of Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation. He was the greatest uninitiated Mason the world has yet known. His unerring faith in the Great Architect of the Universe, his unfailing adherence to the principles of the Square and the Compasses his constant devotion to Truth and the unremitting efforts he made throughout his life to practice and preach love, peace and goodwill among men, had marked him out as a World Teacher. The Brethren of Lodge Corinth mourn his loss with the World and the Indian Nation” All ceremonies were postponed.
W. Bro. Savak F Poacha was installed W. M. in year 1953. A very keen Freemason and an excellent ritualist, very well respected in the masonic fraternity. Secretary of Lodge Corinth & Chapter Mayo for well over 25 years. Assistant District Grand Master for Bombay, Past 2nd Dist Grand Principal of its Chap. Past Grand Deacon of the United grand Lodge of England. Past Asst Grand Director of Ceremonies, Supreme Grand Chapter of England.
In 1956, the Lodge premises was permitted for the use of a new Lodge being formed in Nagpur, Lodge SundarRaza, under the Scottish Constitution.
On 12-7-1957, Bro. J. J. lrani was initiated by his own father W. Bro. J. D. Irani. This was for the iirst time that a father initiated his own son, in this Lodge.
In 1961, when the Grand Lodge of India was formed, the Lodges had the option to join the same or could continue as they were. A resolution was passed in a meeting on 1st Jan 1961 “That this Lodge expresses its desire to remain part of the United Grand Lodge of England”.A secret Ballot was taken in which 30 Brethren voted ‘For’, and only 1 ‘Against’.
In 1962, the Lodge went into mourning for 6 months due to the death of Rt. Wor. Bro. Aurthur C. Bottomley, The D. G. Master. In 1963 itself, the then Lodge Peon Sharifa died after a faithful service of 40 years. The Lodge sanctioned a sum of Rs. 30/- for his funeral.
At the meeting on 6-6-1964, a resolution condoling the death of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru our beloved Prime Minister was adopted.
1966 was the centenary year of the Lodge. Apart from the year round the activities, the Lodge celebrated its CENTENARY YEAR from 2nd to 4th October 1966. On the 2nd Oct the Lodge had a special Thanks giving Service at the All Saints Cathedral. In the evening a social Get-together was arranged with the Brethren, their families and the District Grand Lodge Deputation. On the 3rd October, apart from a Picnic for the DGL Deputation, the Half Yearly Communication of the District was organised. On the 4th October, the main meeting of the Centenary Celebrations were held. The W. M. welcomed the members. A Centenary Warrant was received and was presented to the W. M. By the DGM. A Centenary Jewel and a Centenary Souvenir was then presented to all the members by the DGM. A commorative marble plaque was unvieled by the DGM. This is still affixed on the wall behind the W. M.’s Chair.
An amount of Rs. 5000/- was invested into the Centenary Endowment Fund, the interest of which was to be used for charity. ln the final accounts of the centenary celebrations there was a net saving of Rs. 862.10 p which was transferred to the General Fund. It was for the first time that the Lodge introduced the Stewardship Charges of Re. 1.00 to attending Brethren . The Lodge donated a sum of Rs. 1288/- towards the 250th Anniversary celebrations of The Grand Lodge.
Due to certain misunderstandings amongst some members and the Worshipful Master, for the first time ll (Eleven) Brethren resigned from the Lodge. During this year Rs. 1000/-was added to the Fixed deposit of the Centenary Endowment Fund.
The Lodge went into mourning for 6 months due to the death of M, W. the Pro, G. M. Rt. Hon. Earl of Scarborough.
This year saw the change in the design and the size of the Summons. Furthermore, the Lodge Registration number was also added. A list of Birthdays for the month started appearing. There were some changes in the Bye laws made as regards to the defmation of Resident &. non resident members.
During this year, it seems for the first time a meeting was held in which only the Past Masters did the working.
Nothing of importance took place.
Rs. 280 was donated for the C M’s Drought Relief fund. Water proofing work of the Lodge building was done at a cost of Rs. 2382/- .The Lodge hosted the Half Yearly Communication of the District on 29-9-73. W. Bro. B. K. Ramachar was elected as anhonorory member
WBro. J. D. Irani, who served as the Lodge Treasurer for 19 years from 1953-72 passed away. It was decided to commission his portrait and hang it in the Banquet hall. This was sponsored by W. Bro. M. G Joshi and it was formally positioned on 2-11-74, where W. Bro. S. F. Poacha read out an oration. R. W. Bro. Jahangir F. Shroff, the D.G.M. was elected as an Honorary Member. The Stewardship charges were increased to Rs. 3/- and the dues were also raised from Rs. 7 per month to Rs. 10/-. The DGM visited the Lodge in December when he initiated 3 candidates.
Bro. B. K. Ramachar, honorary Member, passed away. There was a theft in the Lodge and some brass material and swords were stolen. In this year all the NSC deposits were encashed, and an amount of Rs. 8700/- was spent for building repairs. The Lodge donated Rs. 301/- for the CM’s Flood Relief Fund.
A Sub-committee went into the aspect of starting a Corinth Lodge Trust; It seems that this trust was not registered subsequently. R. W. Bro. S. P. Kapadia, PDGM and honorary member passed away. R. W. Bro. J. F, Shroff, DGM attened the Installation Meeting, and for the first time a DGM installed the Incoming Master.
The Lodge started a new system of having a pot luck dinner and a social was also organised. An Education Endowment Fund was established with a deposit of Rs. 3000/- for scholarships to poor students. In one of the meetings due to the sad demise of one senior brother, the meeting was cancelled. Instead of wasting the cooked food it was donated to the children of a Poor Home,.
During this year, the W. M. immediately after his installation went into some controversy with the District Grand Lodge. It is surprising to note that he did not attend even a single meeting during his tenure, and the meetings were chaired by the IPM and other past Masters. Rs. 501 /were sent to the CM’s Cyclone Relief Fund. The Lodge hosted the Half Yearly Communication of the District on 30-9-78 and also organised a Ladies night.
WBro. S. F. Poacha, Secretary, was appointed as Asst. Dist. Grand Master. A great honour for our Lodge.
Bro. S. F. Poacha, ADGM and Secretary was conferred the rank of Past Junior Grand Deacon, another feather in our cap. During the year the dues were .raised from Rs. 10/- p. m. to Rs. 15/- pm.
Nothing of any importance took place during this year.
The then Dy. D. G. M. W. Bro. A. E. G. Gilbert paid an oliicial visit to the Lodge.
The Lodge took interest active in the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Lodge SundarRaza No. 133 GLI. Lodge SundarRaza donated a sum of Rs. 1000/- for Painting the Lodge Building.
This year saw the retirement from the office of the Secretary, W. Bro. S. F. Poacha, who had put in a number of years in this post and all credit goes to him for the condition in which the Lodge is today. W. Bro. B. A. Sathaye took charge as the Secretary. The Lodge again hosted the Half Yearly Communication of the District in October 1983. W. Bro. E. G. Eduljee was elected as an honorary member after putting in 51 years of Service to the Lodge.
A water cooler was installed in this year. 0n 20th October, the new D. G. M. Rt. W. Bro. A. E, G. Gilbert paid an official visit to the Lodge along with Rt. W. Bro. Shroff and many other District officers. In this year it is new that the ‘Opening Ode’ and ‘Closing Ode‘ started getting printed on the serum which still continues. However it is not know if they really used to sing it.
This year it was indeed a great honour for the Lodge, when on 16-2–85, Rt. W. Bro. Hon. Baillieu, the Dy. Grand Master along with our D.G.M. paid a visit to the lodge. A degree working was also done, which was very much liked by him. The lodge had the great privilege to get the minutes book signed by him. Earlier in the day a picnic was also arranged to Totladoh. During this year, W. Bro. Madan Joshi took charge as the Secretary. The June meeting was cancelled due to the demise of the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of India. M. W. Bro. SitaramJaipuria. Another rare event that took place this year was when the DGM attended a P. C. Meeting in December and also signed the PC Minutes book.
This year saw a lot of changes. A new item was included in the agenda ‘Masonic Workshop‘. which proved to be quite successful and is even now being continued. W. Bro. D. N. Kukday took charge as the Secretary. The Stewardship charges were raised to Rs. 51/-, and the dues were increased from Rs. 15/-to Rs. 25/- . In view of this the system of stewardship charges was then discontinued. The Lodge participated in two ritual working competitions organised by Lodge St. Andrews and Lodge Gondwana, and won 3 awards. The Lodge of instruction was revived. The P. C. Meetings set a new trend, by having dinners after the meetings, being hosted by brethren in rotation. A Lodge Membership Directory was released. From this year onwards 3 awards were instituted for the Past Master, Best officer and the Best Mason.
WBro S. F. Poacha. was elected as an Honorary Member. At the Installation Meeting, the DGM announced the formation of the Bombay District Grand Charity. The Lodge, through its members contributed Rs. 3000 in this charity.
This year saw some controversies between the members and the Secretary regarding the P. C. Minutes. Our very Senior Brother, W. Bro. N. F. Avasia passed away, and as a very special case the brethren were allowed to attend his funeral in the ParsiCemetry.
A charity project, outside its premises, was undertaken by assisting the operations of Blind Children. The Lodge hosted the Half Yearly Communication.
This year again saw a number of disputes which arose in the Lodge. Due to certain problems on the Installation night, the DGM was kept waiting outside the Lodge for about 45 minutes . The D.G.M. later refused to address the Brethren. W. Bro. Justice A. A. Cazi, Dy. D. G. M. became a joining member. The Stewardship charges of Rs. 5/- was reintroduced.
Bro. SalimChimthanawala took charge as the Secretary. This year again saw some new events taking place. The Lodge in furtherance to its social service projects, adopted an orphanage named SOS Children‘s village to assist the education of the inmates. A new Bank account under the Title “Charity & Social Services Project Account” was opened. Amendments were passed to the Bye Laws for rules and regulations of the Lodge Premises. and also increase in dues. Rt. W. Bro. A. E. G. Gilbert DGM was elected as an honorary member of the Lodge. On 4th October the Lodge celebrated the inauguration of the 125th Year Celeberations wherein, a traditional lamp was lit by W. Bro. E. G. Eduljee, our oldest member. The minutes of the very first meeting of Lodge held on 4-10-1866 was read, and a short history of the Lodge was narrated. Our Social Projects were also reported in the newsletters of the Grand Lodge. The District Grand Lodge contributed a sum of Rs. 10,000/- for our charity projects.
This was the One Hundred and Twenty Fifthyear running. The Lodge started a small Masonic Library in its premises. The stewardship charges were raised to 10/- . A tarpaulin was spread over the roof to prevent water leakage into the Hall . The Lodge decided to celebrate its 125th year on 4th Ocotber and hosting the Half Yearly Communication of the District on the 5th October.
The 125th Year celebrations of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. were conducted with great panache and elan under the dynamic leadership of the WM ,WBro. Suresh Dixit on 04th Oct 1991.
The Lodge also hosted the Half Yearly Communication of the District on 5th Oct 1991. During the year, a number of masonic activities were undertaken, including the setting up of a Masonic Library in the Lodge premises, for the very first time. Impetus was also given to charity and social service projects, wherein free eye operations for the old and needy were conducted, and the adoption of the SOS Children’s Village. With a view to improve the Ritual working, special sessions were held at the Lodge premises.
A special meeting was held to commemorate the 125 years of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. The W.M W.Bro S R Dixit thanked the DGM members of his delegation and visiting Brethren for gracing the occasion. The 125th year was ushered in by lighting the traditional lamp by the DGM, W Bro E C Eduljee, the WM, W Bro Kane the Chaplain. Followed by the reciting of prayers to the Almighty by W Bro B G Kane, Chaplain. A marble plaque to commemorate this grand occasion was also unveiled by the DGM. A souvenir to mark 125 glorious years of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. was also released by the DGM, who after signing the first copy, presented it to the WM.
As a remembrance of this grand event, the Brethren of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. shared their joy and happiness with the less fortunate of our society. The WM made a donation of Rs.11221.25 to the Bombay E.C. Grand Charities, by handing over a cheque for the said amount to the DGM.
The WM presented a small memento to the DGM. The DGM thereafter addressed the Brethren.Thereafter, the Lodge was closed in love, peace and harmony, and the National Anthem sung thereafter, thus concluding the 125 years celebration of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C.
The first Regular meeting for the year 1991-92 was held on 7th Dec 1991.It was decided to try out dinner meetings once a quarter during the PC meetings. Repairs to the Kitchen Block were undertaken on an urgent basis. It was brought out that there were a substantial number of members who had dues outstanding against their names. It was decided to follow up and get as many payments as early as possible to avoid any exclusions. It was also decided that to exclude any member in arrears of 2 years and above as per the Bye-Laws. In commemoration of the 275th Anniversary of the UGLE, it was decided to make a jewel befitting the occasion, and a sum of Rs. 1000/- was approved towards charity. A sum of Rs. 1000/- was sanctioned for the scholarship of Ku. M B Parpillewar and an appeal was made to Brethren to donate more. The Hall was whitewashed and given a facelift with an allocated budget of Rs. 7800/- from the Building Fund Account.
Bro S P Puranik was installed as the new Master of Lodge Corinth. The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master of the UGLE was scheduled to visit the Lodge on 24th& 25th Mar 1993, however due to the communal disturbances in the country, especially in Mumbai, the visit was postponed. A fresh date was to be promulgated later. During the PC meeting held on 6th Apr 1993, it was proposed to look into the aspect of starting a Fellowship Club for Brethren and their families, and it was suggested that Bro PrashantAgnihotri and Bro Dr H Sane could draw out a framework of the project.
The Installation meeting was held on 6th Nov 1993 with Bro RajanChand being installed as the WM for the year 1993-94.
With the Installation of the new WM Bro RajanChand, it was mandated to improve the get-up of the Lodge premises, buildings, crockery, regalia etc. Towards this, it was decided to appoint a new Attendant cum Housekeeper. It was also decided to increase the donations of the Hall Charges for Lodge meetings, PC meetings, Rotary Club meetings and meetings by other organisations. Towards this, a budget of about Rs. 40,000/- was sanctioned in the open lodge.
The Bye-Laws were amended to increase the monthly dues of the members from Rs. 25/- to Rs. 40/- For outstation members from Rs. 10/- to Rs 25/- and initiation and joining fee from Rs.400/- to Rs.500/- . Every new member was required to pay Rs.100/- for Charity and Rs.120/- for the Building Fund. The Stewardship Charges were also increased from Rs.10/- to Rs.15/-
Land development of the area adjoining the Freemasons Hall was undertaken in right earnest. The water-proofing of the roof was also undertaken on a temporary basis with plastic sheets at a cost of Rs.2500/-
Bro VinodMasand was installed as the Master of Lodge Corinth 1122E.C. on 5th Nov 1994. A committee was formed to look into the maintenance of the building. It was further decided that a donation of at least Rs.1000/- be collected from all the members towards the Building Fund, and that other Lodges be requested to also contribute towards the same.
There was an emergency PC meeting held, regarding rescheduling of the Installation & Regular meetings from Sat, 4th Nov to Fri, 27th Oct ’95. It was unanimously decided to schedule the Regular and Installation meeting on 27th Oct 1995.
Bro SS Galgali was Installed as the Master of Lodge Corinth 1122 E. C. for the year 1995-96.Since the estimates were called for the repairs of the Temple Building roof and other works, Bro RameshBhambani gave a budget of Rs. One Lakh for the said work which was approved in the Open Lodge.
Due to extensive maintenance requirements of the Temple premises it was decided to raise the Hall Usage Donation as follows:-
At the regular meeting held on 06th Sept 1997, after the opening of the Lodge, Brethren stood in silence for two minutes, to condole the sad demise of Mother Teresa (Later canonised as Saint Teresa on Sunday, 04th September 2016 by Pope Francis in the St Peters Square,Vatican, 19 years after her sad demise), Mrs K Irani and brother of Bro M L Khanna. On 4th October 1997,brethren stood in silence for two minutes to pay respect for the sudden demise of WM E C Eduljee.
The ballot for the election of WM for 1997-98 was taken and as none of the past masters offered themselves as candidates for the post of WM, Bro AdilDalalSW, offered his consent. Since there were no other proposals, W Bro V P Kanoria, Chaplain, declared him duly elected as the Master Elect. Bro AdilDalal thanked all Brethren for reposing their trust in him. W Bro Secretary, gave a brief account of the Half Yearly Meeting of the District Grand Lodge at Bilaspur.
On 07th Nov 1997, the RtWBro A.E.G Gilbert, the RtWBro District Grand Master, Bombay along with his deputation comprising WBro Dolly Bajan, Asst. District Grand master,WBro Su Sitaram ,District Grand Secretary, WBro AEG Pereira, Grand St Bro ,WBroTelang,WBroMankikar and WBroDeshmukh as Sword Bearer paid an Official visit to the lodge for the Installation of the new Master of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. for the year 1997-98. The annual Awards were presented by the DGM to WBro SA Ansari, for Best Past Master, WBro P. Amroliwala for Best Mason, and Bro RameshBhambani for the Best Mason. Later, the Installation Ceremony was conducted and WBroAdilDalal was installed as the Master of the Lodge Corinth 1122E.C. for 1997-98. Later, the WM invested the officers for the year 1997-98.
At the regular meeting held on 07 Feb 1998, WBroAbidChimthanwala in chair, informed all of the sad demise of WBro D G Kane, Past Master and a great ritualist. Brethren observed 2 minutes silence in the memory of the departed soul.
The Secretary informed that the summons from the DGL, MB, were received for the Annual Communication to be held on 14 March 1998, along with the report of the Half Yearly Communication in Bilaspur on 24 Sept 1998.
The Secretary proposed the raising of the Lodge subscription from Rs. 40.00 to Rs. 100.00, which was a recommendation from the PC meeting. The proposal was put to vote and was unanimously carried. WBroSalimChimthanwala and WBro S P Puranik were nominated to act as scrutinisers for the election of the WM and the Treasurer, Resp. Election was thereafter held and after scrutinising the ballot WBro VP Kanoria announced the name of WBroMadhuRughwani as the Master Elect of the Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. for the year 1998-99. As there was no other proposal, WBroSalimChimthanwala was proposed/seconded and elected as the Treasurer for 1998-99.
The Regular and Installation meeting was held on 7 Nov ’98 at the Freemasons Hall, Nagpur. The WM informed the Lodge regarding the sad demise of the father of WBro Bharat Amin and the mother-in-law of WBro Suresh Dixit. A two minute silence was observed to pay respect to the departed souls.
A delegation headed by the RtWBro A E G Gibert, the Rt Worshipful District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and Northern India, paid an official visit to the Lodge for the Installation of the new Master for the year 1998-99. All ceremonies for the Installation of the new Master were conducted with great panache and WBroMadhuRaghwaniwas installed as the Master for the year 1998-99. The WM thereafter, invested his team of officers. The Rt Worshipful DGM thereafter presented the Past Masters Jewel to WBroAdilDalal.
The Lodge strength stood at 100 during the Regular Meeting of the Lodge on 6 Mar 1999. Bro Shepherd from Scotland, visited the Lodge and attended the Regular Meeting of the Lodge thereof. He conveyed the Fraternal Greetings from his parent Lodge in Scotland.
The resignation letter received from Bro Ashok Waghaye was read in open Lodge and accepted. An appeal letter from the Bombay Masonic Association, (BMA) to the Brethren, to join the BMA and help the cause of charity, was read and circulated to all Brethren.
At the Regular Meeting of the Lodge on 2nd Oct 1999, as none of the Past Masters, showed willingness to contest, from the next in line SW & JW, Bro J K Wadhawan JW, declined, whereas the SW, Bro RameshBhambani, SW, desired to contest the elections. WBroSahu And Bro VinodMasand were appointed to act as Scrutinisers for the Ballot .
A joint ballot for the post of WM and Treasurer was conducted and after due scrutiny, Bro RameshBhambani and WBroAbidChimthanwala were unanimously elected as the WM and Treasurer resp, of Lodge Corinth 1122E.C. for the year 1999-2000.
The Installation Meeting was held on 12Nov 1999.A delegation headed by RtWor Dy. District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of Bombay and Northern India,
RtWor Bro D C Bajan, along with his deputation paid an official visit to the Lodge for the Installation of the new Master of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. for the year 1999-2000. Bro RameshBhambani was duly obligated and installed in the Masters’ chair as per our ancient customs and the WM invested WBro M Rughwani as IPM. The Past Master’s Jewel was presented to WBroMadhuRughwani by the Dy DGM. Bro M L Khanna donated Rs 500/- towards the super cyclone that devastated Paradip in Orissa and suggested that the Lodge collect more donations for the cause.
Bro. RameshBhambhani became the first WM to be installed in the New Millennium . The Lodge was informed about the sad demise of Ex Bro P G Karthalkar and mother-in-law of Bro A D Upadhayaya. A minutes silence was observed as a mark of respect for the departed souls.
During the year there were 6 Initiations, 2 Exclusions and 7 Resignations on health grounds, which left the Lodge with a strength of 97 dedicated masons of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. All 12 Regular meetings with the attendant PC Meetings were held, 5 of them being dinner meetings with the families and friends in attendance.
The Half-Yearly Communication was held on 16 Sept 2000, jointly with Lodge Penchvale. It is worth mentioning here that Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. was largely instrumental in the revival of Lodge Penchvale in Nov 1999, with 33 members from our Lodge joining Lodge Penchvale thereby infusing it with new life.
Stepping into the new millennium, Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. entered its 136th year and with that, as per the established custom amongst Freemasons, the reins of the Lodge were passed on to Bro J K Wadhawan.
The Lodge commenced its year with a total strength of 92 members. The WM, WBro JK Wadhawan informed of the sad demise of a very Senior Bro & Past Master WBro Dr S L Jaiswal, father of WBro SS Galgati and father of our Ex Bro Dr Mohan Deshpande. Members stood in silence for a minute as a mark of respect to the departed souls.
At the Regular meeting of the Lodge on Sat 3rd Feb 2001, the WM requested the Brethren to rise and observe a minutes silence for the victims of the Gujarat Earthquake on 26 Jan 2001. Brethren contributed Rs.27004/- towards Charity, including Rs.4200/- towards Gujarat Earth Quake Relief Fund.
Our lodge was honoured with 5 promotions from the District and an additional rank of District Grand Steward to WBroRameshBhambhani .
At a Masonic Workshop, WBro V P Kanoria spoke on the aspect of Charity, whilst Bro T S Rawal narrated his experiences at the Lodge meetings in HongKong. He presented the summons of Lodge Eastern Scotia No. 923 S.C. which he had attended and conveyed his greetings to the WM. WBroRameshBhambani spoke of the chequered pavement in the Temple, Symbol of the ‘G’ and the significance of rough and smooth Ashlers.
At the Regular Meeting of the Lodge on 7th April 2001,members were also informed of the sad demise of Past Pro Grand master ,Lord Farnham on 22nd March 2001. Members observed a minutes silence as a mark of respect for the departed soul.
11 members attended the Annual Communication at Mumbai on Sat,17th March 2001. During the said Annual Communication, the Cyrus Lodge hosted a dinner for all Corinth memberson 16th Mar2001 and as a goodwill gesture waived the registration charges of the Annual Banquet on 17th Mar 2001 .A letter of thanks was written to the WM of Lodge Cyrus.
A sum of Rs 1000/- was donated from the CSSP A/C for the medical treatment of MrVishvanathShashtrakar. WBro SMJ Chimthanwala proposed the name of Bro Madhav Joshi as the WM for the next year viz. 2002 . Bro Madhav Joshi gave his consent .
Madhav Joshi was installed as the W.M. in the presence of R.W. Bro. A.E.G.Gilbert, District Grand Master. Bylaws of the lodge were amended to raise the entrance fees from 1500/- to 2500/- to cope up with the increasing exchange rate of Pound Sterling. Over Rs. 160000/-was spent on maintenance of building and creating infrastructural facilities.
The Lodge was honoured with 6 promotions and one new rank to IPM W. Bro. J.K.Wadhawan. A grand meeting was held on 4.8.2002 to give farewell to Rt.W.Bro. A.E.G. Gilbert and welcome Rt.W.Bro.D.C.Bajan as the new DGM.(Portrait of the Past DGM Rt. W.Bro. A.E.G. Gilbert was installed in the Lodge.) Bro. Sanjay Arora was installed as new W.M. in the presence of DGM Rt.W.Bro. D.C.Bajan.
Under the stewardship of WBro. Sanjay Arora the membership strength increased from 89 to 91. Total 15706/- was spent on charity by lodge besides contribution of 17200/- by four brethren to the district. Rs.30000/- was spent on new electric underground cabling to get rid of the recurring low voltage problems. Rs.50000/- was added to Fixed Deposit which then stood at 150000/-. The lodge got 4 promotions, 3 active ranks and 1 new rank to W.Bro. Madhav Joshi.
This was a Centenary year for the Lodge building, but it started on a sad note. Within a month after adorning the Eastern Chair W.M. B.G.Shaw was called to the Grand Lodge above. Bro. A.K.B.RaoMudaliar, the Senior Warden became the WM “In Charge” to look after the affairs of the Lodge. Bro. B.Ghose was also called to the Grand Lodge above.
A special meeting was called along with Lodge Penchvale on 24th April 2004 to celebrate the Centenary of the Lodge building. DGM Rt. W.Bro.D.C.Bajan was especially present for the occasion and unveiled the special plaque to commemorate the occasion. The plaque now adorns the North Eastern wall of the building. Charity projects were organized at AsthaBalwadi and Home for the Aged & Handicapped at Untkhana. DGM announced a donation of Rs.5000/- from DGL Charity Funds. Rt.W.Bro. GovindlaljiShahu, the Regional Grand Master of Regional Grand Lodge of Western India, was also present. For the first time in the history of Masonry in Nagpur, the Temple was opened for the ladies and the non-masons. Everybody enjoyed the celebrations which involved the receiving of the Regional and District Grand Masters along with their deputations. The history of the building was presented in the audio-visual manner. A Ladies Night with a grand banquet ended the celebrations. More than Rs.1.90 lakhs were spent on the upkeep of building & premises, painting and creating new furniture for this occasion.
This year the lodge was honoured with 8 promotions including 3 active ranks besides a new active rank for IPM W.Bro.SanjayArora. The Lodge’s fixed deposit stood at 2 lakhs.
The reins of the Lodge were passed on to Bro. A.K.B.RaoMudaliar in presence of Rt.W.Bro. D.C. Bajan, DGM.
We entered the 101st year of our heritage lodge building. Membership stood at 89. Charities worth 6400/- were done. 9 brethren along with their ladies attended the Half Yearly communications of the District Grand Lodge at Jabalpur. They also attended the 140th year celebrations of the Alexandra Lodge, Jabalpur on 21st Oct 2005.
Relationship with all 9 Indian Lodges in Nagpur was very cordial. Brethren from Indian lodges regularly visited our lodges which were warmly reciprocated by us. Their Universal Brotherhood Day celebration was attended by many brethren from Lodge Corinth.
Bro T.S.Rawal was the W.M. A unique master piece Masonic Wall Clock was presented by Indian Lodges in 2006 which can be seen on the wall above SW’s chair. Rs.50000/- was added to the fixed deposit which then stood at 2.50 lakhs. Rs.45,000/- was spent on water proofing of the building. Membership strength dropped from 88 to 84. The annual subscription was revised from Rs.1000/- to 1500/-.Bro. Satvinder Singh Bedi was installed as the new W.M.
Charities worth 12000/- were undertaken. Ritual working was held in 9 of the meetings which included 3 Initiations, 2 Passings and 6 Raisings. 6 Past Masters were honoured with district ranks. Family get-togethers hosted jointly with Lodge Penchvale were the highlights. The attendance during these dinners was around 100. This motivated brethren to attend regular meetings also.
The Installation of Br Kiran Chaoji was conducted single handedly by W Bro Satvinder Singh Bedi in an impressive, perfect and graceful Ceremony !
Universal Brotherhood Day celebration was organized together with all Indian lodges. Many Brethren from Lodge Corinth &Penchvale participated. Bro. Dr KiranChaoji succeeded as the W.M.
Family get-togethers jointly with Lodge Penchvale continued. Attendance at regular meetings improved to 35% of the resident members. Charities worth 14000/- were undertaken. Rs.81239/- was spent on installation of Bore well in lodge premises due to acute water shortage. Rs. 53000/- was spent on new furniture and electrical repairs in the 104 years old lodge building. Rs 40000/- was paid towards advance for lease renewal of the Lodge premises with Nagpur Municipal Corporation. Rs.50,000/- was added to FDR bringing the total to 3 lakhs.
The membership at 82 was still the highest for any lodge in the district. 13 brethren attended the Annual communication at Bilaspur, the first ever Annual communication outside Mumbai or Delhi. 10 brethren attended the Half Yearly communication at Pune. Universal brotherhood day celebrations continued with all lodges in Nagpur. Bro. Wing Cdr (Retd) RustomHormusjee, , adorned the Eastern Chair in presence of Rt.W.Bro. D.C. Bajan, DGM.
The membership strength went up from 82 to 85. 11 brethren attended Half Yearly Communication at Goa. A record 50 brethren attended the Annual Communication at Nagpur which coincided with Golden Jubilee celebrations of Lodge Penchvale. Rs. 40000/- was donated to Lodge Penchvale for the occasion.
Charities worth 6800/- were done during the year; however the most noble and the biggest charity was done by Bro. Dr. Ravi Wankhede donating one of his kidneys to W.Bro. SalimChimthanawala. Past DGM Rt.W.Bro.A.E.G.Gilbert who served as DGM for 18 years passed away on 28th July 2009. Rt.W.Bro. D.C. Bajan, DGM stepped down from his position w.e.f. 1st Nov 2009. Bro. Harmohan Singh Bhasin became the W.M.
Total charities done during the year amounted to well over Rs.26000/-. In addition food grains were donated to ShantiBhavan run by Missionaries of Charity and a food counter was arranged by W.M. H.S.Bhasin for pilgrims visiting DeekshaBhoomi duringDussera. Membership strength of 83 kept the lodge at the top position in the district. The United Grand Lodge of England appointed RW Bro. Percy Driver as the District Grand Master .Bro SudhirSule was installed as the next W.M.
W.M. SudhirSule adorned the Eastern Chair for two consecutive years from 2010 to 2012. RW Bro. Percy Driver DGM along with W. Bro. A. J. Deshmukh Dy. DGM paid an official visit to our lodge on 11th March 2011. During the occasion DGM RW Bro. Percy Driver was offered an Honorary membership of the Lodge Corinth which he gracefully accepted. Rs.10000/- was donated to DGL towards 150 years celebrations.
12 brethren attended the Annual Communication of DGL of Bombay at Mumbai. Equal number attended the Half Yearly communication coinciding with 150 years celebration of DGL of Bombay at Mumbai. DGM donated Rs.25,000/- for SNEHANCHAL in Tukdoji Cancer Instt at Nagpur.
Membership strength went up to 88. Charities amounting to Rs.1.67 lakhs were undertaken by the lodge during 2011-12. Rotary District Governor & our member Bro Sanjay Meshram announced a donation of Rs.1.50 lakhs for renovation &modernisation of the kitchen. W.Bro. MadhavKinkhede succeeded as the next W.M. in the presence of DGM RW Bro. Percy Driver.This year the Lodge also started a publication of a periodical named “Corinth Cornice” regarding the lodge activity . A new practise of celebrating Birthdays of brethren on Regular Meeting days was also started by cutting a cake, as well as, sending Lodge Greeting Cards to the concerned brethren.
The year started with the inauguration of the newly renovated Temple of Lodge Corinth and the Office at the hands of RW Bro Percy J Driver DGM on 4-11-2013. Members Bro. like J.J. Irani&Wor. Bro. F.S. Pocha from Australia made a very generous donation. A total sum of about Rs. 4 Lakh was received for the renovation work; which was used for repairs & renovation works for the building including the temple. An amount of Rs. 1.15 Lakh was spent for the renovation of toilets.
The Bromham Lodge of Mumbai was shifted to Nagpur. Since January 2013, it has been having regular meetings every month and is doing well with membership strength of more than 20.Charities worth Rs. 1.51 lakhs were done during the year besides donating a computer plus a steel rack to a school for the mentally challenged girls’ and four bicycles presented to Dream Trust, a charitable trust working for female diabetic children. A “Mega Health Camp” was also organized in the lodge premises .Eight brethren of Lodge Corinth were conferred Ranks in the Distt. Grand Lodge of Bombay. Secretary Wor. Bro. Suresh Dixit was conferred with the rank of Asst. Distt. Grand Master.Wor. Bro. SalimChimthanawala, PM, was called to the Grand Lodge above.W.BroJ.K.Wadhawan was handed over the reins of W.M. in presence of Rt. Wor. Distt. Grand Master, Wor. DyDistt. Grand Master and TheAsstt. Distt.Grand Master.
Bro JK Wadhawan was installed at an impressive ceremony exactly fourteen years after he was placed in the same Chair by W Bro RameshBhambhani, and quite ironically, he had the privilege of handing over the Gavel to him again. The year commenced with the inauguration of the newly renovated Banquet Hall of Lodge Corinth at the hands of V WBroJagannathRaoDeshmukh, Dy DGM. At the District Annual Communication held in Mumbai on 1st March, 2014, Wor. Bro.Suresh Dixit was re-conferred with the rank of Asst. Distt. Grand Master.
The Lodge strength at the beginning of the year was 85. During the year there were16 resignations. The Brethren resigned due to personal reasons. Regretfully, one brother was expelled due to non payment of dues as per the bye laws of the Lodge. WBro.RustomHormuzji a PM and Bro. MadhuBhai Shah were called to the Grand Lodge above on 30th Jan 2014 and 16th Feb 2014 respectively. A two minutes silence was observed as a mark of respect to the departed souls.
On account of some unpleasant developments in one of the sister Lodges,
(Lodge Penchvale) and consequent to the gross indiscipline of it’s members, the District Grand Master, Bombay & N.I., RtWor.Bro Percy J Driver had to put the Lodge under Suspension in a meeting held at Nagpur on 22nd Feb 2014. However, seven worthy Brethren of Lodge Corinth who were also members of Lodge Penchvale stood in strong support, while others chose the wrong path.
At least 10 more Brethren from Lodge Corinth , including the Wor. Master came forward in support of those seven by joining Lodge Penchvale and saved the Lodge from getting extinct. The Lodge Suspension was revoked in Sept. 2014 by the DGM, Bombay & Northern India and it stands tall now among other sister Lodges.
Later in Dec 2014, the District Grand Master, Bombay & N.I., RtWor.Bro.Percy J Driver attended an important joint meeting led by Lodge Corinth and explained to the Brethren the whole process of the revival of Lodge Penchvale and appreciated and thanked the Brethren of sister lodges, especially, Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. for the support.
A “Mega Health Camp” was organized in March 2014 with the active help and coordination by Bromham Lodge No.6175 EC. The renowned Doctors of Nagpur provided their services in the field Cardiac; Diabetes; Asthma; Ophthalmic; Cosmetic & Bone Density. About 175 patients benefited from the camp. A number of charitable projects were undertaken during the year. Assistance to VishwambharShikshanSanstha was continued and the DGM, RtWor Bro Percy Driver also paid a visit to the Sanstha and gave a very generous donation twice during the year to a total of Rs. 45,000 through the District. A Water purifier was donated to a tribal School of Udasa near Umrer on the same day.Acheque of Rs 25,000 was given towards Jammu Kashmir Flood Relief fund routed through our District.
Monetary assistance was provided on 4th Dec 2014 to a very needy Master RahulThakre s/o Mrs. ManishaThakre undergoing Kidney transplant by donating Rs 31,000/- from Lodge Corinth. Donations of Rs 10,000 each were also received from W Bro Suresh Dixit and W Bro VinodMasand and a befitting Rs 50,000 from RtWor Percy J Driver on behalf of the District.
Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated on 24th June14 with a lot of enthusiasm wherein a workshop for Motivational Skills and Interview techniques and an Exhibition on the Heritage Buildings was conducted.The culminating feature of the day was the visit of the doyen of steel Industry and a person of international repute PadmaVibhushan Dr J JIrani, who happened to be Lodge Corinth’s own member.
The WM announced the customary Awards as follows :–
During the year there were 8 Initiations, 2 joiningsand rejoinings and the strength stood at 79 .
13 regular meetings, 3 masonic workshops, 13 PC meetings 2 of them followed by contributory dinners and 2 family get-togethers, all with good attendance, and charity of more than Rs.27000/- were the highlights of the year. Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated with other lodges. Non masonic guests were also invited. A large number of visitors were students of Architecture who were keen to know ancient institution and also about how we plan, layout structures & furniture and the philosophy governing this. 8 brethren attended the Annual communication at Mumbai and 6 attended the Half yearly communication at Lonavala. Bro HomiBhamgara was called to Grand Lodge above. Bro. Praveen Sahni was installed as the next W.M. in presence of the DGM, RtW.Bro. Percy Driver
The Installation Ceremony of WBro Praveen Sahni was conducted on 16 Jan 2016 with great e`lan and panache in keeping with the grand traditions of Freemasonry. The meeting was attended by more than 80 Brethren and 16 Worshipful Masters of both, the E.C. and Indian Lodges.
DISTRICT MEETINGS : The Annual Communication was held on 20/02/2016 at Bilaspur. More than 12 Brethren of this Lodge along with ADGM Wor. Bro. Suresh Dixit attended the Annuall Communications and the centenary Celebrations of the Lodge Heart of India at Billaspur. LODGE REGULAR MEETINGS: 13 including special meeting of 150th year and HYC 2016.WM Praveen Sahni took the lead in getting all the Lodges of Nagpur masonic fraternity to participate in the Flag Hoisting Ceremony on the occasion of the Republic Day on 26 January 2016, wherein more than 120 Brethren attended the function and a statue of WBro Swami Vivekanand was unveiled .The entire cost of the statue was borne by W. Bro. RameshBhambhani.
The Lodge was honoured by the visit of RtWor.Bro Percy J Driver , The District Grand Master,Bombay on 17 Feb2016 . Commemorative Stamps, Special Letter Heads and Stickers for 150 th Year Celebrations of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. unveiled by the DGM at Lodge premises. In the same month ,on 20/02/2016 more than 12 Brethren with the Asst DGM attended the Annually Communications and Centenary Celebrations of the Heart of India Lodge at Bilaspur.
The traditional festival of colours, Holi was celebrated by Brethren in the Lodge premises on 24 Mar 2016. Sweets to children were distributed.
The Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated with the Brethren of the Nagpur masonic fraternity on 24 Jun16 Senior Brethren of Nagpur masonic fraternity were felicitated and a tree Plantation program was done at Idea College of Architecture students. A press conference was held at PatrakarBhavan to highlight Freemasonry and W.M .informed the reporters about completion of 150th years of Corinth Lodge. Later in the evening sewing machines were donated to needy ladies.
A mega Health Check-up Camp for Brethren and their families was held on 26 Jun2016 wherein a record number of about 110 people made use of the facility. Well known doctors provided their services.
Our Independence Day was celebrated 15th August 2016 and attended by the families of all the Brethren and a tree plantation program was done by the gracious ladies at the lodge premises. A picnic was also organized by the lodge for families of Brethren, with a charity program being undertaken at the Global Village School wherein chairs for children were donated and education of five children was sponsored.
It was observed that a large number of students routinely used to stand just outside the Lodge Gate for a long time for their transport. With a view to provide them the Relief, concrete benches were installed for school children waiting for their transport after school.
On 13th October 2016 RW The DGM had interaction with press and TV media about Freemasonryand also completion of Corinth’S 150nyears.
As part of the 150th Years Celebrations of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. an amount of Rupees 1.5
Lacs was earmarked especially for charity. Construction of gent’s washroom, renovation,
electric work, painting and site cleaning work of Lodge building was undertaken. A new Water
cooler, water purifier and a Refrigerator was installed. A Souvenir to mark the 150 Years
Celebrations was planned to be published which would include the history of Lodge,
Articles on Freemasonry and Anecdotes .It was also planned to name small triangle land on
the Futala Road near the Lodge to be named “Freemason’s T-Point”. A 150 Years
Commemorative Jewel was planned to be given to all members. All the senior brethren who had
completed more than 25 in missionary were felicitated at the hands of R.W. DGM.
A trophy with a cash prize for the “Best Lodge in the District” to be presented on every
Annual Communication by the DGM, Bombay was also planned to be instituted. New Regalia were
ordered and a lot of activities, gifts and two days musical night to entertain the attending
Brethren and their families. All in all as one can see that a number of activities were
planned and executed during the tenure of WM Praveen Sahni.As the glorious sesquicentennial
year was about to end. Bro. Vikas joshi purposed to illuminate Freemasons ‘T’
point square. PC members immediately passed the proposal and it was decided to get
Inaugurated by the hands of Nagpur Municipal commissioner. (Mr. Shravan Hardikar ji
) in the presence of DGM RT. W. Bro. Percy Driver J. Driver on the Occasion of
installation ceremony of W. Bro. Madhav Joshi on 11th, February 2017.
W. M. Praveen Sahni
was given the responsibility to organize and manage everything.
The Inauguration
was a
grand ceremony. Our heartiest thanks to Bro. Vikas joshi, who shared all the expenses for
illuminating ‘ T’
Point square. Which is first illuminated of square of the
Nagpur city another memorable moment for Corinth Lodge.
At the threshold of the 151th Year, we the proud present successors, bow our heads in token of absolute humility and gratitude to the memory of all our eminent for bearers, who by their untiring efforts and unstinting zeal, have left for us a mighty blessing in the share of Lodge Corinth, and once again to the Great Architect of the Universe to grant us and our successors for generations to come, the wisdom and the ability to keep the colors of our Lodge, flying high with as great a splendor as ever before
The history for the 150 Years Celebrations(1866-2016) was compiled by Bro Pravin Morey, Jr Warden & Bro Vice Admiral Rustom F Contractor, Sr Deacon, information was extracted from the detailed history prepared by WBro. S. F. Poacha for the Centenary Souvenir(1966) and the 125 Years Souvenir(1991) by WBro VP Kanoria ..
As W.Bro. Madhav Joshi was occupying the King Solomons Chair on 11th Feb 2017, 16 years after he was placed in the same Chair by W Bro Jatinder Kumar Wadhawan in Dec. 2002. DISTRICT MEETINGS : The District Annual communication was held at Mumbai in March, 2017, eleven brethren of Lodge Corinth attended and seven were conferred active Ranks in the Distt. Grand Lodge of Bombay. Our Wor. Bro. Suresh Dixit was reconferred with the rank of Asst. Distt. Grand Master. The Districts Half Yearly communication was held at Pune on 6th December, 2017. Eight brethren travelled to Pune to attend the meeting. LODGE MEMBERSHIP : The Lodge strength at the beginning of the year was 76. The Lodge is privileged and proud to have RW Bro. D.C. Bajan, PDGM and RW Bro. Percy Driver as the Honorary Members. There were 8 cessations during the year. With 4 joinings the strength stands at 74 today. LODGE MEETINGS : During the year all the 12 regular meetings were held and there were three dispensations. All of these dispensations were owing to adjustment of dates due Annual or Half yearly communications and to suit dates of the DGM for attending our lodge installation. The average attendance was 23 per meeting. The ruling Masters of other Lodges in Nagpur also attended few of our meetings. In the PC meetings, important decisions were taken in the interest of the Lodge. CEREMONIES: During the year there were three passing & two raisings. All the officers actively participated. W. Bro. Ramesh Bhambani & J K Wadhawan helped in the ceremonies. Both of them were a great help in the lodge as well as outside the lodge. W. Bro. Ramesh was very active and willing to share his knowledge among the brethren and gave detailed explanation of the first degree tracing board and also other rituals in Masonic workshop. TREASURER: Treasurer W. Bro S. S. Bedi is keeping the accounts immaculately. After spending a huge amount last year for the extensive renovation works and taking soft credits from the market, our building fund account now stands at a healthy figure of Rs.81000/- Approx. CHARITY PROJECTS: Charity is the distinguishing characteristic of every freemasons heart and it was on top of my mind to engage the Brethren in various Charity Projects during the year. Here are a few important of the many Charity activities done by Lodge Corinth. Assistance to Global School was continued and our DGM, Rt Wor. Percy Driver also sent a cheque of Rs. 50,000/-, out of Rs. 110,000/- collected during the 150th year celebrations of our lodge in Dec. 2016. We are awaiting two more cheques totaling Rs. 60,000/- which will be received shortly & delivered to the beneficiaries. A cheque of Rs 30000/- was given towards fees of a girl student of engineering college. We had also helped this candidate last year, on the recommendation of W. Bro. Ramesh Bhambani and I am glad to in inform you that this girl has cleared her first year in flying colours. We also supplied cots, beds & bedcovers to Govt deaf & dumb school at the total cost of about Rs.15000/-. Apart from the above, W. M. Madhav joshi keep on helping the Global school in his personal capacity. W. M. Madhav joshi has adopted a girl child for her education and paying for her all expenses every year. VISITATIONS: W. M. had the opportunity to visit three GLI Lodges on being invited and Masters of many GLI Lodges visited us as well. For past few years, we along with our GLI brethren have decided to celebrate India’s Independence day & the Republic day jointly. We conduct the proceedings of Independence Day; whereas GLI lodges conduct the Republic day celebrations. During both these celebrations the brethren are attending in large numbers and it is a great feeling to say the least. Similarly GLI has started the Brotherhood Cup, limited over cricket matches since last year. About twelve Brethren from our lodge played and enjoyed the tournament. We are eagerly waiting for the next tournament of brotherhood Cup-2018. UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD DAY: The Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated on 24th JUNE with lot of enthusiasm. It was held jointly with the GLI brethren taking lead this year. The event was inaugurated by Major General Bung, a four star General heading the Kamptee unit of the Indian Army. It was followed by brief details about the UBD and lots of charities were handed over to the beneficiaries. A press conference was organized a day prior and the press gave a lot of coverage about the masonary in general & UBD in particular. LODGE RECORDS: It was had a tough time in updating the records this year. Due to the laxities in the past two years, it was found that a lot of forms of the new as well as joining members were not received or were partly complete. And this was going on for past more than two years. We had to start with getting the blank forms from the district, calling the candidates and their proposers & seconders, completing the forms and filing returns to the district. The the district was quite upset on the issue. But then all is well that ends well. W. M. Madhav joshi had been quite vocal on these issues in our PC meetings over the last few years. But we are so anxious about initiating a new candidate or clearing a joining member that we fail in our basic duty of following the procedure. I am sure my worthy successor, who will soon adorn the eastern chair; will take a note of this & refrain the brethren, however senior they may be; from avoiding the normal procedure. LODGE WEB SITE: This year we decided to launch a website of our lodge. A committee was formed and W. Bro. Praveen Sahni was requested to head the same. He did his job wonderfully and almost free of cost. All we had to pay was the web portal rental which also was negotiated by him to a bargain basement level. He entrusted this task of designing to his friend Dheeraj Jibhey, who is in this field, formed E-Mail and whats app group of all the interested brethren and painstakingly uploaded all the data. All the lodge events and records including my stewardship report have been uploaded. RECOGNITION: This year our lodge building was visited by the Vidarbha Heritage Society, an NGO formed to document all the heritage buildings in India. They were very happy to see the architecture & its upkeep. When they were told that a special technique known a Pynford Stooling has been used to consolidate the foundation and prevent it from crumbling due to aging, the wanted to know all the details about this technique and the agency. Further they requested us to give them time for the next meeting when they will bring all their members and students & young architects who are interested in heritage buildings. The the agency who did this work was none other than our own W. Bro. Ramesh Bhambani and he did this work very economically, charging only for labour and material. He provided all the details and answered all the queries of the society members. We were told that almost all the heritage buildings are facing this problem & the society members wondered why nobody knew about this technique. They also requested W. Bro. Ramesh to help them whenever they come across similar problem in the future, which W. Bro. Ramesh happily agreed. Brethren this entire event got a wide coverage in the media. We are look forward to yet another progressive and rewarding year ahead . As Bro. Pravin Morey will be installed W. M. and his team of Officers for 2018. We hope and wish with your wisdom & zeal you will bring greater joy & happiness to all. We all look forward to yet another progressive and rewarding year.
A year ago, when I was installed as the Master of this Lodge, I stood and declared before you
that I was a very Happy Man. Tonight; I stand before you a very Grateful person –
grateful to all the Past Masters, officers and fellow brethren — thanks to their
advice, co-operation and encouragement that I could discharge my duties reasonably
Lodge Membership, Meetings and Rituals
The total strength of membership when I
took over was 72. During the year there were 3 initiations, 3 joinings & 1 re-joining.
There were no exclusions this year. Though there were 5 resignations, all of them who
resigned were in good standing.
Probably for the first time a brother from within the
lodge has been elected to be the honorary member in Lodge Corinth. This year WB Dr. KY
Mangrulkar, PDSGW, was elected to be the Honorary Member of the Lodge w.e.f. 1st September
2018. Total strength at the end of the year stands at 73.
During the year all 12
regular meetings were held, 2 of them under dispensation. The attendance at regular meetings
was very encouraging with average attendance of 30+. Thanks to the officers who constantly
remained in touch with brethren throughout the year.
12 regular PC meetings were
held and in addition 3 emergent PC meeting were held to discuss important
There were total 9 workings – 3 initiations, 3 passings and 3
I cannot miss mentioning here that our D.O.C, WB J K Wadhawan took keen
interest throughout the year that the Rituals were effectively and correctly conducted. His
motivation to the officers to continually improve during workings was quite visible. Thank
you very much WB JK Wadhawan.
3 masonic workshops were held during the year, thanks to WB
Ramesh Bhambhani for all of them.
All through last 300 years, Masonry has
borne the Secret Doctrine of Fellowship – teaching Man to live in harmony with Man.
Due priority was accorded to this important aspect this year also. For, it is the
fellowship, which ultimately leads to collective Charity.
Fellowship for this year
began with the wonderful family dinner immediately following the Installation on 12th Jan
2018, well attended by gracious ladies.
On 26th January, 2018, The Republic
Day Flag hoisting was done in the Lodge premises at the Hands of an Army Veteran & our
own brother WB Kiran Chaoji, which was attended by brethren from all the 3 EC lodges and
many brethren from the Lodges under Indian Constitution as well.
A fellowship &
environment awareness picnic was organised by Bro Jawahar Loungani on 10th & 11th
February, 2018. 10 of our enthusiastic brethren visited Tamia, a forest resort in
Madhya Pradesh, Thank you Bro Jawahar Loungani.
Our brethren also participated in
Brotherhood Cup Cricket Tournament organised by Nagpur Masonic Fraternity.
A Family
get-together, contributed by officers, was organized on 15th April, 2018. The ladies and
children were also present and actively participated in the music, Housie, Games which were
enjoyed by one and all. Thank you, WB Praveen Sahni, Bro Jawahar Loungani & Bro Rajesh
Advani for organising this Ladies day out wonderfully.
Our Brethren also participated in
The Universal Brotherhood Day celebrations organised by Nagpur Masonic Fraternity. Our lodge
contributed for the arrangements as well as for joint Charity, besides providing the Lodge
premises for the event at no cost.
On the occasion of the Independence Day on 15th
August, the Lodge had the privilege of hoisting the National Flag in the Lodge premises at
the Hands of our own brother Vice Admiral Rustom Contractor, PVSM, AVSM, NM. Tree Plantation
program was arranged by the brethren & the ladies on this occasion. Brethren with
families from all the 3 EC Lodges plus from Indian Lodges were present. Non-masons were also
invited for the Independence Day celebrations to promote Freemasonry.
5th September, The
Teachers’ Day is a special day to appreciate teachers for their contributions to
society. Two of our brethren, teachers in real life, WB Ramesh Bhambhani and WB JK Wadhawan
were honoured for their contributions as teachers in Masonry for guiding brethren, young
& old, and improving ritual workings in all the 3 EC lodges. Thank you for this
wonderful idea WB Praveen Sahni & WB Ajay Golcha.
A large number of brethren
visiting Goa, many along with their families, for the Annual Communication in October 2018
also turned out to be a great fellowship event, but that has been covered under a different
head in this report.
The last fellowship event this year was the family get-together on
25th Nov; again hosted by officers and this time attended by unprecedented number of 25
ladies plus children. It was a wonderful night enjoyed by each one of us, thanks to WB
Praveen Sahni, WB SS Bedi, Bro Jawahar Loungani and Bro Rajesh Advani for organising the
event so well. I thank all the officers who contributed for the two family
get-togethers this year.
Tradition of sending the Birthday Greeting card to each brother
on his birthday was maintained by WB Secretary. Members’ birthdays were celebrated with Cake
cutting after each regular meeting at the banquet and each of them present expressed his joy
& feelings of celebrations among the brethren.
WB Ajay Golcha for arranging an interesting quiz “Identify the Mason”. Every month he used to circulate a childhood photograph of one of the brethren in our whatsApp group and he would give prizes for the right answers during banquets. The quiz was a great attraction during the banquet. Brethren who sponsored those prizes also deserve a big thank-you.
Words won’t suffice to explain the satisfaction that a freemason
derives when he practices Charity, and thus makes the life of others more fruitful and
Brethren of Lodge Corinth have taken a big step ahead this year as regards
Starting with St John Box collection – which crossed
Rs.10000/- on 3 occasions and Rs.5000/- on 2 occasions – stood at Rs.62700/-during the year.
The other donations received this year were Rs.70,000/- that includes Rs.50000/- from WB
Madhav Kinkhede and Rs.20000/- from WB Ramesh Bhambhani. So the total fund
collection for Charity was 132700/-
Out of this, Rs.10000/- was donated to Bombay Masonic Charity on the day of Installation. Rs.46500/- was donated to Cancer hospital, Nagpur in the form of hospital furniture and equipment. Rs.70000/- was donated towards fees of two girl students doing engineering courses Rs.21000/- was routed through District Benevolence Fund towards Kerala Flood Relief.Rs.5000/- was donated for Universal Brotherhood Day celebrations/charity.Rs.8000/- was donated towards medical expenses for the medical treatment & surgery of the Lodge caretaker’s son – Jeetu. Two brethren, Bro Rustom Contractor and Bro Jawahar Loungani donated Rs.5001/- each towards Kerala Flood Relief through District Benevolence Fund. Thus the total charity this year by Lodge Corinth stood at Rs.165500/-.
In addition, two cheques of Rs.25000/- each received from The District Grand Lodge of Bombay
were handed over to “Vishwambhar Shikshan Sanstha” and “Slum Soccers’ Krida Vikas
Thank you all the brethren for your generosity, and special thanks to WB Madhav
Kinkhede, WB Ramesh Bhambhani, Bro Rusi Contractor and Bro Jawahar Loungani for your
personal donations.
A Medical health camp was organised on 22nd April, 2018 for Brethren, their families and friends. Well known doctors of Nagpur provided free consultations and services in the fields of Cardiac; Diabetes; Asthma; Cosmetic & Bone Density including ECG and blood test during the camp. Free medicines were also distributed to the needy. The Health camp could not have been successful without the active participation and support of WB Praveen Sahni, Bro Vikas Sahni and Bro. Nagraj Belwadi. Thank you, brethren.
Finally, about the 2023 Charity Festival – The Bombay Masonic Benevolence Fund for the
benefit of fellow brethren. Brethren from Lodge Corinth have contributed Rs.2,55,000/- this
Charity Steward WB Vinod Massand deserves a special mention here. He urged the
brethren to participate in ‘The 2023 Charity Festival’ of the District Grand Lodge of
Bombay. He emphasised that there is a sense of satisfaction to donate for such a good cause
of Charity. On his repeated appeals in regular meetings, brethren from all 3 EC lodges
voluntarily and collectively committed to donate an amount of more than 11 lakhs in five
years. WB Ramesh Bhambhani has offered to maintain accounts of such donations till 2023,
many many thanks to WB Vinod Massand and WB Ramesh Bhambhani. And, I cannot thank
enough, however hard I may try, to each and every brother who has contributed to The Bombay
Masonic Benevolence Fund. God bless you all. You all have proved the point that –
strong fellowship leads to good Charity.
Bro Hiren Shah attended the OPEN HOUSE organised by DGL of Bombay on June 10th 2018 at
On 20th June 2018, our lodge building was visited by the students of Priydarshani
Institute of Architecture & Design Studies Nagpur, to study the architecture of the
Lodge building as a part of their academic exercise to study heritage structures in Nagpur.
They approached us through WB Ramesh Bhambhani.
WB J K Wadhawan, WB SS Bedi, WB
Madhav Kinkhede & Bro Dhruv Kumar helped them around. Students were very happy to
see the architecture & its upkeep.
10 Brethren along with then ADGM WB Suresh Dixit attended the Annual Communication at Goa 5th Oct 2018. 7 of these attended with families. Brethren and ladies also attended the Centenary Celebrations of Lodge Haig Brown on 6th Oct.
Again on 24th Nov an NGO associated with ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA and some architecture
students visited to study the heritage structure of our Lodge. WB Ramesh Bhambhani organised
the event and handled the visit very well.
Few members from Lodges of Indian
Constitution were invited to attend regular meetings. All were in praise for the rituals and
conduct of meetings & banquets.
Bro Hiren Shah, Bro Sudeep Malik, Bro Jawahar Loungani, Bro Rajesh Advani,
Bro Girish Sadhwani were presented with Grand Lodge Certificates.
The Merit award of Rs.
10,000/- for Academic Excellence 2018 by the District was awarded to Master Yash, grandson
of WB Kiran Chaoji.
The Long Membership Certificates of appreciation and the jewels
announced at Goa Communication were presented to the brethren indicating their tenure of
60 years: Bro Dr. J.J. Irani who visited the lodge after 45
years was very happy as well as emotional while recalling his old days in the temple. He
highly appreciated the upkeep of the temple and the enthusiasm of the brethren.
years: Bro. A.D. Upadhayaya.
25 years: Bro Vijay Bajaj, WB. Madhav Joshi, WB.
J.K. Wadhawan.
Lodge Corinth appreciates these brethren’s contributions and services
rendered to the Craft in general & this Lodge in particular.
At the Annual
Communication, it was a proud moment for Lodge Corinth when the following brethren were
conferred with the ranks:
WB Ramesh Bhambhani : Distt. Junior Grand Warden.WB Vilas
Saranjame : Distt. Grand Treasurer.WB Praveen Sahni : Distt. Grand Supdt. Of Works.WB Rohit
Dixit : Distt. Grand Sword Bearer.WB J.K. Wadhawan : Past Distt. Grand Dir Of Ceremony.WB
AKB Rao Mudaliar : Past Distt. Senior Grand Warden.
WB Ramesh Bhambhani was elected to
the District Board of General Purposes and also to the District Board of Benevolence for the
year 2018-19.
Congratulations Brethren and thank you for making Lodge Corinth
Lodge Secretary
The Secretary WB Madhav Kinkhede has done a commendable job. The
summonses for every meeting were issued on time and were forwarded to each member by post,
e-mail & on WhatsApp as well. The minutes of the proceedings of every meeting were
meticulously maintained and read.The UGLE and the District Returns were sent on time. The
Model By-laws were sent to District for approval. Thank you WB Madhav Kinkhede for all
the hard and meticulous work. You have been a great discovery for the position of the
Secretary this year. Your lively & spirited Birthday toasts at the banquets will always
be remembered by all. Thank you very much for your support.
Let me not forget the
valuable contribution and support received from Asst. Secretary WB AKB Rao Mudaliar for his
assistance throughout the year and services rendered especially during the absence of
Secretary in a few meetings. Thank you WB AKB Rao Mudaliar.
TreasurerThe Treasurer, WB. S
S Bedi, maintained & presented the accounts every month as he has been doing since
years. Good efforts were made to recover the outstanding dues from brethren & other
Lodges in Nagpur. The result was – there were no exclusions this year. The audited accounts
of 2017 were printed & circulated to each member.
All the District and
International dues were paid on time.
Thank you very much WB S S Bedi, you have
really been a great support throughout the year.
Lodge Committee
The Lodge Committee headed by WB Suresh Dixit handled the job very
efficiently. The small repairs and maintenance jobs were attended to promptly by WB SS
Thank you WB Suresh Dixit and WB SS Bedi.
I would like to thank the Immediate Past Master WB Madhav Joshi for his
guidance from time to time.
And a special thanks from the bottom of my heart to WB
J K Wadhawan for being there throughout the year whenever I needed genuine advice &
guidance. He was a great support all along.
Best Past Master 2018 – WB J K Wadhawan – The DOC directed me throughout the year
Officer 2018 – Bro Jawahar Loungani – A good support in all fellowship activities and also
in charity.
Best Mason 2018 – Bro Amit Ruben – A newly joined mason, showed interest and
involvement throughout the year.
WB Vinod Massand – For his remarkable achievement in collecting funds for Charity
Madhav Kinkhede – For Charity and Promoting Fellowship
WB Ramesh Bhambhani – For Charity
and Promoting freemasonry
WB Praveen Sahni – For his extra ordinary support
in organizing Fellowship activities & events
I am very happy that WB Vilas Saranjame is going to be installed in the eastern chair shortly. Initiated in 1973, a veteran of 45 years in masonry plus the experience of being the Master of two EC Lodges. I am sure Lodge Corinth will attain greater heights under his able Leadership. I assure him of all the support.
Brethren, I hope, I have served you well.
Thank you my Wardens & all the brethren and wishing all the best to the incoming master WB Vilas Saranjame.
Worshipful Master Vilas Saranjame was installed in the eastern chair by Wor. Bro. Pravin Morey on Saturdays, 5th January 2019.
Under his tenure. The Lodge Strength at the beginning of the year was and at the end of the year(Upto 07-12-2019) Stood atThere was one Rejoining and one Death of a Bro. Shaporji
District Meetings
The Annual communication of the Distt. Was held in MUMBAI on 12TH
October 2019.
There were Twelve Regular meetings during the year The average attendance was 25 per
meeting. The Brethren had actively participated in the ritual workings.
Wor. Bro Ramesh
Bhambhani, Wor. J.K. Wadhwan,Wor Bro Suresh Dixit, Wor. Bro S.S. Bedi, Wor Bro Vinod Massand
and Wor. Bro Ajay Golecha, Wor. Bro Praveen Sahni had participated actively in all the
meetings. They gave active support in conducting Proceedings due in the Lodge, during the
year Wor. Bro A.K.B. Rao Mudliar was very helpful as the Assistant secretary to the Wor. Bro
Ramesh Bhambhani All the Officers gave active support in conducting the Meetings
Distinguishing Feature of year 2019 was, Discussion of the PATHWAY SCHEME.
The discussion
was headed by Wor, Bro Ramesh Bhambani who explained the Scheme in Details Wor. Bro J.K.
Wadhwan, Aor Bro Suresh Dixit and Bro Rustom Contractor took active part in the Discussion.
This lasted for almost three meetings and were looking for such Candidates who would exactly
fit in the description of the candidate for initiation, as envisaged by the pathway scheme,
but could not come across such candidate.
During Masonic Workshop, very important topics
of Freemasonry were discussed. All the members and Officers to took Active Part
The Treasurer Wor. Bro S.S. Bedi had handled the Funds of the Lodge, excellently
as in the past.Thanks to him for promptly updating the accounts of this Lodge, to ensure
that, there were no discrepancies regarding the accounts
The following results were obtained on 30-11-2019
Opening Balance 22196 Opening Balance 24450 297034
Closing Balance 5329 Closing Balance 492961 535553
I had the Opportunity of attending installation meetings of lodge Bromham No 6175 and Lodge
Penchvale No 7643 in January 2019
The P.C. meetings were largely attended by the Brethren of the Lodge. The Lodge took various
good decisions as regards charities and the general working of the Lodge
Special Features: The lodge could propose for the installation of solar System on the Roof
The Universal Brotherhood day was celebrated on 24th June 2019
Fraternity Get Together
All the three E.C. Lodges including Lodge Penchvale No 7643 had held family get to gathers
on 04-012020. It was largely attended by the Brethren and their families
This Lodge had the occasion to announce and do Charities, during the year. The Donations to
Bombay Masonic Benevolent Fund were made by all the three EC Lodge. At the same time
charities were declared by Brethren , to be made in coming five years including the year
Charity was made to District Grand Lodge of Rs.14500 and Charity was also made to student at
Katol of District Nagpur of Rs.10000/-
With gratitude to the Great Architect of the Universe. Worshipful Master thanked all the
Brotheren for the support and trust reposed in him during his tenure as the Wor. Master. He
also express his special gratitude and guidance received from the Distt Grand Master Rt.
Wor. Bro Percy j Driver from the Distt Grand lodge of Bombay for the encouragement and
wholehearted support received from him from time to time
He wish all the success to his able and Esteemed successor Bro Rustom Contractor who will be
installed as the Wor. Master of this Lodge. Placing full confidence in him that he shall
carry the Lodge from strength to strength.
W Bro Vice Adm Rustom Faramroze Contractor, was installed in the Eastern Chair, as the 155th Worshipful Master of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. on Saturday, 25th January 2020 at an impressive Installation Ceremony in the august presence of Rt Worshipful Brother Percy Jamshed Driver, the District Grand Master, District Grand Lodge of Bombay and his Delegation who we were indeed privileged to have with us. It was exactly after 82 years that WBro VAdm Rustom Faramroze Contractor had donned the mantle of the Worshipful Master, since his Grandfather, Late W.Bro Rustumji Framji Contractor was the Worshipful Master of this very Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. in 1938.
As we are all aware, the bygone year 2020, has indeed been a very stressful and challenging year for us & for all humanity the world over due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But the indomitable spirit of our Brethren at Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C made it possible to conduct all masonic activities, unfazed by the impediments caused by the pandemic. Wor Master had set the following Aims and Goals to be achieved during his tenure:
a) Institute measures for retention of members, as well as attracting young candidates to join the lodge
b) Promote and actively pursue, conduct and participate in Charity Projects
c) Promote Masonic thought and conduct Masonic Workshops & Lectures.
d) Promote Brotherly Love and involve the larger Masonic fraternity & their families through Social events & projects.
District Meetings: The Annual Communication/Investiture of the District Grand Lodge of
Bombay was held on 10th October 2020 in Mumbai. In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's Annual Communication/ Investiture was conducted as a Virtual meeting on the zoom virtual link platform. The Virtual meet was conducted and presented so well that one felt that he was actually attending the meeting in person. District Ranks were conferred on our brethren as follows :
Lodge Meetings:
During the Year, 6 Regular Meetings & 6 Virtual Meetings were held, as well as, 5 Emergent PC Meetings.
Dispensations: A total of 3 Dispensations were granted to our Lodge by the District Grand Master, Bombay,
Initiations: The First Regular Meeting was held on Monday,10th February 2020 under dispensation. Mr. Subhodh Joshi, an Officer at the Axis Bank on due process of being passed through the Pathway Scheme and balloting, Bro Subhodh Joshi was Initiated into Freemasonry on Saturday 7th, March 2020 during the 2nd Regular Meeting of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. Barely had the Lodge got into the rhythm of conducting Regular and PC Meetings and drawing out the Short and the Long Cast for the year, that Nagpur city and the entire world was struck by the dreaded COVID-19 Pandemic. The District Grand Lodge, Bombay issued a directive that due to the complete Lockdown and curfew imposed by the Government of India & the State of Maharashtra, all Masonic activities including the Regular Meeting of Lodge Corinth & Chapter Mayo, as well as, the sister lodges Penchvale & Bromham, were to be held in abeyance till 15 April 2020, wherever Summons have been issued.
Virtual Meetings.
Virtual Meetings by the Nagpur EC Lodges were recommended by our Lodge Corinth Secretary WBro Suresh Dixit wherein Lodge Corinth took the lead with the sister lodges participating in the first Virtual Meeting of the three EC Lodges on 2nd May 2020. A Toast to the Absent Brethren was proposed by the W Master
Absent Brethren was proposed by the W Master WBro VAdm Rustom F Contractor. Thereafter during the lockdown phase, Virtual meetings became the norm in lieu of Regular meetings which were held as per the schedule of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. Regular Meetings were held on the 1 st Saturday of the Month, with the added flavor of Masonic Lectures given by our very own WBro Ramesh Bhambani. The Virtual Meetings were very well attended on all days that they were scheduled with an average attendance of about twenty-five brethren. On a few occasions we were privileged and honored by the august presence of our District Grand Master RtWBro Percy J Driver, DDGM V WBro Pinchumani Venkataraman, ADGM Devesh Hingorani, the District Grand Secretary, WBro Rummy Khan, as well as Worshipful Masters and Brethren from outstation lodges whose contributions during the Question & Answer sessions were invaluable and for which we are thankful to them. We were also privileged to have distinguished guests from abroad namely, W Bro. Cevad Gurer, Past Grand Treasurer & secretary.Grand Lodge of Turkey and W Bro. John Husey from Grand Lodge of Victoria Australia, who were invited by WBro Secretary Suresh Dixit.
Masonic Workshops & Lectures :
During the year 2020, Corinth Lodge had a record number of Masonic Lectures, four during the Regular Meetings and five during the Virtual Meetings. Here we must place on record the hard work and dedication with which the lectures were prepared and delivered by WBro Ramesh Bhambani for which we are indeed very grateful to him. Thank You, WBro Ramesh Bhambani!
Charity :
Charity being the primary duty of a Freemason, it was uppermost in our list of priorities during our tenure as the WM. It is with a sense of satisfaction to report that there was spontaneous and wholehearted participation by our brethren in all the charity projects and generous contributions were made by them. During the year 2020, we made a record charity of Rs 2,95,000.00 (Rupees Two Lakhs Nine Five Thousand Only) and all through valuable personal contributions received from our dear Brethren.
The following Charities were conducted during the period under review:
Felicitation of Covid Warriors:
Lodge Corinth and the three sister Lodges, felicitated three brethren from the Nagpur masonic fraternity viz. RT W Bro. Dr. Yagnesh Thakar, R W Bro Dr. Rajesh Gosavi from the Indian lodges, and Bro. Dr. R P Singh from our lodge. These three brethren who are also in the medical profession and have rendered a yeomen service during the Covid-19 Pandemic were felicitated on Sunday,8th October 2020.
26th January 2020 – Republic Day For us Brethren of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C., Republic Day – 2020 was a unique and a landmark event as we had our very own District Grand Master, Rt W. Percy Jamshed Driver as the Chief Guest. It was for the first time that a District Grand Master, Bombay had unfurled the National Flag on the Republic day at an impressive ceremony in the Lodge compound.
15th August 2020 - Independence Day. Like every year, this year also we celebrated our Independence Day on 15th August 2020. The Chief Guest this year was Cmde Uday N Chitnavis, NM, an Indian Navy Veteran Submariner. After the Flag Hoisting ceremony, a Tree Plantation ceremony (Vanmahotsav) was done by Cmde Uday Chitnavis, NM, and the WMs of Lodge Corinth & Lodge Penchvale which was followed by a sumptuous Breakfast. Despite the Covid19 situation, over twenty-five brethren from all the lodges in Nagpur attended the event. All rules and regulations like a face mask, social distancing, etc. were strictly followed. Social Activities. The Annual Festival of Colours, Holi was celebrated in the Lodge premises with the usual gaiety and bonhomie amongst masons on Tuesday10th March 2020. The festivities continued on 11th and 12th March wherein about 15-20 W. Brethren and Brethren drove down to a Resort near the Pench Tiger Reserve and had a lovely bonding session in the true spirit of Brotherhood. A few keen wildlife lovers ventured out early morning on 12th March 2020 for a Jungle Safari at the Pench Tiger Reserve and were rewarded with a couple of Tiger sightings.
Medical Camp. A Medical Camp for all brethren, their families, and the local public, which is an annual feature in Lodge Corinth’s calendar, was organized and scheduled to be held on Sunday,29th March 2021. All activities for the event were planned and volunteer Doctors/Specialists arranged for the event. But alas, the event perforce had to be canceled due to the nationwide Lockdown and Curfew imposed on 25th Mar 2020 for the Covid-19 pandemic.
Green Initiatives – Solar Power Project. With the commissioning of the Lodge Corinth Solar Power Project on 22nd October 2020 at the Freemason’s Hall, a small step was taken towards the production of renewable energy and thereby curbing the ill effects of climate change. Apart from that, we have brought down our lodge electricity bill to almost naught and also started contributing to our Orange City electricity grid. There could have been no better way of committing the financial resources of our lodge to meet our national goals and objectives. W Master congratulated and expressed gratitude to W Bros Vinod Massand and Satvinder Singh Bedi for having initiated this project and worked tirelessly till its completion and successful operation. Thank You!!
The total financial outlay for the Solar Power Project was rupees Rs 6,91,0000.00 (Rupees Six Lakhs Ninety One Thousand Only approx.) a major part of the funding was done from our Lodge Corinth funds account and the balance was through generous contributions received from our noble brethren and from the funds received from the District Grand Lodge of Bombay.
Thank You, Brethren, and the District Grand Master for your worthy and generous contributions.
Redevelopment Of The Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. Website:
On the auspicious day of Christmas, 25th December 2020, the reconstructed Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C.'s website was rehosted. on the digital platform worldwide. Our hearty thanks go to all the Members of the Committee formed under the Worshipful Master’s Chairmanship viz. WBro Madhav Kinkhede, WBro Suresh Dixit, WBro JK Wadhawan, WBro Praveen Sahni, and Bro Jawaharlal Loungani, who had contributed their time and energy to put in place a quality website, both in terms of masonic content and in meeting the aim of bringing an awareness of Freemasonry to the public at large, especially to attract prospective candidates to Freemasonry and by extension, our Lodge.
A word of appreciation and thanks to WBro JK Wadhawan for his dedication and invaluable contributions in completing the web content despite his poor health and eyesight. Thank You, WBro JK Wadhawan!! Membership, Initiations, Rejoining, and Resignations/ Expulsions. The Total Strength of Masons at Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. when I took over was 71 plus 3 Honorary Members.
During the period under review, 02 Brothers viz. Bros Subhod Joshi and Nitin Jain were initiated, but unfortunately, Bro Subhod Joshi was called to the Grand Lodge Above. Bro Roheet Almeida was the only brother who re-joined during the year. This year Bro Amit Reuben was excluded for non-payment of dues. Thus the total strength at the end of the Year 2020 stands at 73 in addition to 3 Hon. Members.
Members Pathway Scheme.
All new initiatives were suitably mentored by WBro Ramesh Bhambhani as per the Members
Pathway Scheme.
(a) Summons. It was heartening to note that the Summons for each and every meeting, whether it be a Regular Meeting, a PC meeting, or even the Virtual Meeting,
Worshipful Brother Secretary Dixit & Asst. Secretary WBro AKB Rao Mudaliar, ensured that they were issued and recorded on time. Summons were also forwarded each month to every member by email and WhatsApp. In 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions, the Summons could not be mailed to each member by post. The minutes of every meeting were also meticulously maintained.
(b) Hall Usage and Allotment. The Hall usage and allotment of the Lodge premises for meetings of the Indian Lodges and the E.C. Lodges continued to be looked after meticulously by WBro Suresh Dixit, who was ably assisted by the Committee Members under him.
(c) Returns . The District and UGLE Returns and the Annual Installation Returns for the year 2020 were also submitted on time.
Lodge Finances (The Treasurer ): The Lodge finances were maintained meticulously by the
Treasurer, WBro Satvinder Singh Bedi. The audited accounts for the year 2019 were printed and circulated to each member. Apart from carrying out his duties as the Treasurer of the Lodge, Worshipful Brother Satvinder Singh Bedi kept himself fully involved in the Freemason’s Hall’s upkeep and maintenance. He took it upon himself to voluntarily and spontaneously work for any event that was planned or scheduled on the lodge premises. Thank You, WBro Satvinder Singh Bedi.
Acknowledgments: The last 10 months have put us, Freemasons of Lodge Corinth 1122 E.C. through a Test of our Lives, but, we have not let the COVID 19 Pandemic come into the .... Way we function. On the contrary, we have gone about doing our, masonic duties as if everything was normal and were able to meet percent of our Aims and Goals that we had set out to achieve, except for Social get-togethers which were curtailed due to Covid -19. Pandemic restrictions.
Whatever we have achieved would not have been possible without everyone pulling together in the
true spirit of Freemasonry. We have ensured that whatever we had set out to do, we just followed the phrase “Just Do It” and We Did It and achieved All our aims and Objectives!! Thank you
We are all very thankful to our District Grand Master, Rt W Bro Percy Jamshed Driver for his magnanimous contributions towards our Charity Projects, as well as his contribution of Rs 50,000.00, made towards Corinth Lodge’s Solar Power Project.
W master thanked Senior Worshipful Brethren & Brethren in All and the Worshipful
Masters of our sister Lodges for their unstinted and wholehearted support and cooperation to him during his stewardship. All these activities and projects undertaken would not have been possible without your active support and involvement. W Master expressed his confidence and trust that Brethren will continue to give the same support and cooperation to his successor Bro Vinod Fuley.
W Master mentioned the sterling contributions and work done by WBro Vilas Saranjame, IPM, WBro Secretary Suresh Dixit, WBro AKB Rao Madaliar, Asst. Secretary and his A-Team viz Principal Officers & Asst. Officers, WBro Vinod Fuley, Bro Rajesh Advani, Bro Hiren Shah, Bro Jawaharlal Loungani, WBro Umesh Kedarpawar, and Bro Girish Sadhwani, in assisting him in discharging his duties and responsibilities as the Worshipful Master, as also during Ritual Workings, coordination of Charity Projects and other Lodge events and activities.
Thank You .... A-Team.
Finally, W Master thanked WBro Devesh Hingorani, Deputy District Grand Master & His Delegation for taking their time off to attend our Lodge’s Regular & Installation Meeting despite the restrictions & threat posed by Covid-19. Thank You.
May the Great Architect of the Universe Bless Us All. Let us Take Care of Ourselves and our
Families. Stay Safe.
Nagpur WBro Vice Adm Rustom Faramroze Contractor
16 January 2021 Worshipful Master